Torge Riedel writes:
This happens when daily cron is executed (/opt/mailman/web/bin/django-admin.sh runjobs daily) and I received the mail by cron.
That's good. Not the behavior, but the fact that it happens consistently in the same place.
I think I have updated to 3.3.1 two or three weeks after release.
OK. So it's been happening for a while and it's reproducible. We will be able to fix this quickly, I think.
wrong script (not the one mentioned here) in cron job.
So that's fixed but the errors still happen, right?
Maybe I have overseen this error happened already before, between all those other errors.
The only interesting information from our point of view would be if it was happening *before* you updated, and if so, when it started. That might help to identify the particular code and what changed. But if that information isn't immediately available, don't worry about it, it's a minor data point that *might*, but might not, be useful at some point.
Looks like it is happening only for one list, see mailman core log below. I replaced the list name by <listid>@<listdomain>.de
OK. Can you confirm the other lists are being processed? It's not just this one being first, and the whole cron job crashes?
About the core logs:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/mailman/core/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/result.py", line 779, in _getter getter = self._metadata._getter AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_getter'
sqlalchemy.exc.ResourceClosedError: This result object does not return rows. It has been closed automatically. [15/Nov/2020:00:00:10 +0100] "GET /3.1/lists/<listid>@<listdomain>.de/config HTTP/1.1" 500 0 "-" "-"
This is weird. It seems like your list doesn't exist. :-(
I don't have a good idea what that means, except that obviously something Mailman did not expect happened. Can you check the database for that list and see if it looks sane? (I'm not sure what "sane" means in this context. Maybe Mark or Abhilash can be more helpful.)
I checked both databases: mailman-web.hyperkitty_mailinglist and mailman-core.mailinglist
OK, that's good.
Hope I provided all the information you requested for.
Yes, you did.
I'm sorry, but at this point I'm at the end of my existing knowledge, and until next Saturday I have a very busy week. I will spend a little time if I can, but can't make any promises because I'll have to go diving into dark corners of the code. I hope that Mark or Abhilash will be able to pick this up, and the information you've given should help them a lot. If you can check the database for this list, and confirm that other lists are being processed, those two data would probably help.