Mark Sapiro writes:
Python doesn't recognize windows-874 as known charset.
iso-8859-11 is a known character set for Thai, with a few missing punctuation marks.
If the message turns out to be not Thai, but mostly ASCII with a few broken characters that are probably punctuation (including directed quotes, ellipsis, and the EURO SIGN), any Windows-12xx character set (IIRC, Windows-1252 is closest to Latin-1) should have those in the same positions.
You can move it aside, and if it looks like something you actually want to archive, you might be able to fix it, but that's tricky. The file in var/archives/hyperkitty/spool/ is I think a pickled email message object. You can view it with
mailman qfile
, but editing is tricky.
If any of the above codecs seem to work, just editing the charset parameter in Content-Type header(s) should do the trick. Sorry, can't help with the editing process itself, though.