Hi Simon
I'm running mm3 on ubuntu 20.04 as well. I don't recall if I saw exactly what you're seeing but it sounds similar. I found that after bootup, mailmain3 would be running fine, but similar to you, I'd get a postorius header but no lists shown on the web UI. I had to restart mailman3-web and it would come up. I assumed it was a startup timing issue and something it needed just wasn't up yet.
I don't run production mailing lists so I added a restart post-boot to my startup scripts and this seems to have gone away. Try and restart the service?
Sep 30, 2021 06:07:20 Simon Brown <simon.brown@eiscat.se>:
Whilst I wasn't looking something has broken the web interface to mailman on our list server. On the list index page I get the Postorius header, but no list index, instead a Page not found error. Curiously the Postorius header is also broken, the links point to https://host/mailman/(postorius/lists|hyperkitty) not https://host/mailman3/(postorius/lists|hyperkitty) like it should
I've poked around and I can't find any useful errors and I don't know exactly when this happened, but I think it was this week. Mailman itself is running happily underneath.
Any suggestions as to what might have gone wrong?
P.S. Hopefully I've got the right list this time.
Simon Brown System Engineer EISCAT Scientific Association P. O. Box 812, SE-981 28 Kiruna, Sweden simon.brown@eiscat.se