Lists via Mailman-users writes:
No, we’re nothing to do with Fedora, we just run a few low volume mailing lists for our members.
I would disable the fedora auth application as described in my previous mail, then. I wouldn't worry too much about the possibility that there are users of the feature, if there are people with Fedora accounts, they are sophisticated users who know how to request it be reenabled.
Happy to send you example error emails, I received 1,987 in the past 24 hours. They seem to come in waves, it’s particularly bad right now, but it will die off to a lower level for a while, then hit a peak again in a week or so.
This is how it would behave if web crawlers are the problem. Do you have a robots.txt file? If so, is your Django site protected?
https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/robots/intro https://robotstxt.org/
Note that if you decide to adopt Tim's suggestion of fail2ban, you probably need a robots.txt file, if there's *anything* on your site that you want indexed, you don't want the crawlers banned.
Let me know how many examples you want and I will send them direct to your email.
OK, but first let's try the low hanging fruit.