On Tue, 09 Jul 2019 23:20:53 -0000 ssw@washington.edu wrote:
Hello ssw@washington.edu,
We're looking for information on large sites that have migrated to
Ancestry (the family history/genealogy company) have thousands of mailing lists run on MM3. See https://rootsweb.com/ The mailing list index page says they have over 32,000 lists.
mailman3. Preferably academic institutions.
Obviously, they're not an academic institution. Whether they'd be willing to share experiences, I have no idea.
I can tell you Ancestry had problems migrating list archives (they were dealing with many thousands of lists after all). I believe at least one of their number was here asking for advice at the time. I have no proof it was an Ancestry staffer, but the timing, and what they were asking about, makes it a strong possibility.
-- Regards _ / ) "The blindingly obvious is / _)rad never immediately apparent" Makes you wonder how the other half die Devil Inside - INXS