Thanks Mark for our answers, I already got a bit further.
Am 09.12.23 um 00:27 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
But it returns {"title": "405 Method Not Allowed"} and I don't know where to look in the docs, since it shows almost always a way through mailman shell. You need a PUT command, not POST. Try the above with
With the -X PUT
-command, there is the following error:
{"title": "400 Bad Request", "description": "Unexpected parameters:
bounces_address, created_at, digest_last_sent_at, fqdn_listname,
http_etag, join_address, last_post_at, leave_address, list_name,
mail_host, next_digest_number, no_reply_address, owner_address, post_id,
posting_address, request_address, usenet_watermark, volume"}
-> I don't know why, since I tried it with the exact same example-list from where I got all these parameters (ex- and then import) ... do I still miss something? Or does it only work on "fresh" lists?
You can use Postorius -> Mass operations -> Mass subscribe to add the members, but you can't do that for owners and moderators. Also you lose information about the members such as Delivery status, Delivery mode and other user settings.
Is there another way to preserve these information about the members? (in general I don't think a lot of people put in effort to customize there memeberships ... and furthermore they would need to register, right?)
## registered users
That is not the answer. Those are Mailman core users, not Django (web login) users. You need to get the relevant entries from the auth_users and account_emailaddress tables and add them to the new DB.
Ok, that would be fine.
Are there any more relations to other tables/columns that need to be set? (I just realised, that there are 2 different id in each table ... the one in auth_users is the user_id in account_emailaddress :-) scary).
Do you have any suggestions on how to add them correctly?
Thank you in advance for now and another big one in general to all of you on this list that try to help continouisly with all these problems. It's a great pleasure to be able to ask for help on a list like that. Thank you!
Have a good rest of the year. Regards, Jens.