- Abhilash Raj (maxking@asynchronous.in) [201219 06:28]:
I am just wondering if Core's API should do this (probably not by default, but with a bool parameter that P can use every time), or should we iterate over all addresses and PATCH the display names in them (would be slower, with multiple API requests).
I am leaning towards the first option. What do you think?
I agree to that.
Also, I'm just trying to do a small sync script for the moment (using mailman release 3.3.2) for user in client.users: if not user.display_name: continue for address in user.addresses: if address.display_name == user.display_name: continue address.display_name = user.display_name address.save() and getting the response urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 405:
Also the server side log doesn't tell me more: [19/Dec/2020:14:00:00 +0100] "PATCH /3.1/addresses/aba@ayous.org HTTP/1.1" 405 0 "-" "GNU Mailman REST client v3.3.2"
Any hint what I'm doing wrong here?
Regards, Andi