On 12/23/21 10:39 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 12/23/21 9:57 AM, David Newman wrote:
The task-pending message that MM3 sends to list owners and moderators just says generically to check the dashboard, without providing a URL.
Can that be modified to provide an explicit URL, something like this?
Yes, That particular message is built from the list:admin:action:post template. You may wish to make custom versions of that and other templates. The templates and their default values are at https://gitlab.com/mailman/mailman/-/tree/master/src/mailman/templates/en
You can make custom versions of templates in two ways. You can create if necessary a /opt/mailman/mm/var/templates directory (it probably already exists). Within that directory, sitewide English templates are put in the site/en/ directory, domain specific English templates are put in the domains/<domain_name>/en/ directory and list specific English templates are put in the lists/<list_id>/en/ directory.
For templates like this, you probably want sitewide ones. E.g., site/en/list:admin:action:post.txt
As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the following mailing list posting:
List: $listname From: $sender_email Subject: $subject
The message is being held because:
At your convenience, visit https://lists.example.com/mailman3/lists/$list_id/held_messages to approve or deny the request.
The other way to create custom templates is via Postotrius, but Postorius only creates list and domain specific templates. Also, if you create a template in Postorius, it overrides any in /opt/mailman/mm/var/templates/ until you delete it in Postorius.
Info about templates and what substitution variables can be used is at https://docs.mailman3.org/projects/mailman/en/latest/src/mailman/rest/docs/t...
Following up on this thread from a few weeks ago, a custom subscribe template I defined is not getting sent out.
I created a pending subscription request on a test list. Here is the text I'm using in a file called 'list:admin:action:subscribe.txt' (minus the rows of hypens):
As list administrator, your authorization is required for a mailing list subscription request approval:
For: $member
List: $listname
At your convenience, visit:
to approve or deny the request.
Instead the message that goes out at midnight daily reads like this:
The test@lists.domain.tld list has 1 moderation requests waiting.
Held Subscriptions: User: letmein@domain.tld
Please attend to this at your earliest convenience.
On successive nights I have placed copies of the 'list:admin:action:subscribe.txt' file above in these locations:
mm/var/templates/lists/test.lists.domain.tld/en /opt/mailman/mm/var/templates/site/en
and then in Postorius, with the same contents as above. The file versions are owned by the mailman user, and have 0644 permissions. Not sure this is necessary but I've restarted the mailman3 and mailmanweb services each time after a change.
There is no sign of trouble in the MM3 or web logs. The only thing I see is in the Postfix log, where the shorter and less helpful message goes out each night. I don't see anything in the template docs about this.
What to do to get the custom message working?
Is there a way to trigger a subscribe reminder for one list only?
Asking because there are other lists on this server with other requests pending, and I don't want to bother other moderators with multiple reminders per day. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to test this with one list rather than waiting up to 24 hours after each change.
Thank you!