It seems like the version used is: Postorius Version 1.1.2
The menus I can see are the following:
Info Subscription requests Held messages Members Settings Mass operations Banned addresses Header filters Delete list
And from the "Members" I can select "Subscribers", "Moderators", "Owners" - so I can manage to delete "subscribers" and add somebody as Moderator or Owner for my list. But I cannot find anywhere to set or add something like "non-member".
What I basically want to achieve is that my "sendmail" script (executed from linux) will send announce-mails to this mailing list - and will set an "pseudo-address" (not my own name and address) as sender of this e-mail, i.e "ABC Announcement <no-reply@abc.com>" - and to get this "pseudo-mail" to be one of the accepted users (together with me and some team mates with real addresses) to send on the list - one option I understood was to use the "non-member" user for this "ABC Announcement <no-reply@abc.com>".
But in my web-interface (as described above), I cannot find where to add and manage such user (non-member). Or can I use some other API (then the web-page) to do that kind of operation? ;-)