Gonzalo Cardenas writes:
Actually it doesn't let me in to the login page / sign up page (the HTTP requests hangs until it times out). The URL I'm trying to access is http://localhost/accounts/login/?next=/mailman3/lists/ or http://localhost:8002/accounts/signup/?next=/mailman3/lists/ eventually Nginx returns a "502 Gateway timeout error"
The second URL appears to presume Postorius is actually running on port 8002, but this
location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
tells nginx to proxy to port 8000. I don't use nginx or uwsgi myself (I use Apache and mod_wsgi) so I am not very confident. But you need to make sure that all of the configuration files use the same port.
I don't remember if any of the webservers suffered from this, but some programs don't map to localhost. If any of the configs specify localhost for the Postorius URI, you could try using instead.
If making all these port configurations consistent doesn't do the trick, please post your mailman-web settings.py, uswgi config, and nginx config. You can substitute fake domain names and IP addresses if you're worried about privacy of your configs, but make sure that (1) if the configs specify several IPs or several domain names, you distinguish them in your fake versions, and (2) always substitute the same fake IP/name for a given real IP/name.