March 12, 2022
2:16 p.m.
Hello, just made a try to install mailman 3 on yunohost unsuccessfully Sad... If some body can help me... Thanks https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/hujesebita
Le 07/02/2022 à 15:57, Stephen J. Turnbull a écrit :
Yvan ♞ writes:
Just to know if I have a chance, do I have to unistall mailman before installing mailman 3 ?
No. In fact, you can run both at the same time. Not for the same list, obviously. And it requires a fair amount of planning and careful attention to your web and MTA configurations. As far as I know there are no naming conflicts in the default installations, Mailman 2 installs into directory trees under directories named "mailman", while Mailman 3 installs under "mailman3".