After spending 20 years running a non-profit that hosted email lists for local communities as my day job, that's now all volunteer as I run a startup.
Figuring out how to raise money to cover server costs without selling out our members with targeted social media advertising, was a continuous challenge.
Anyway, today I am still involved in efforts to route around digital ad behemoths, but I a trying to help small businesses and shop for good brands gain new customers.
So here is the question - do you think a Mailman add-on/plugin/module/whatever you'd call it that allowed list admins to reward their new subscribers to email lists with custom themed "for good" discounts would be of interest to many???
Normally, we (GoodCarts) reward people post-checkout with discounts in reciprocity powered circles of online stores. Stores essentially grow together by sharing customers instead of bidding against each other.
The way I could see working with email list providers is basically adding an affiliate marketing style commission where purchases with post-subscription rewards would go to the partner based on results.
When we go from hundreds of brand members to thousands and add in a "buy local" or brands by theme/values/impact, in theory my non-profits local online community forums could mission align by offering discounts to locally owned businesses.
Our view is that exclusive discounts as rewards post transaction (purchase, email list subscription, volunteer sign-up, event registration, online petition signature, etc.) is far better than plastering ads everywhere.
Anyway, I'd be curious if you think idea might have legs with Mailman list hosts/admins???
Nothing urgent, just a Saturday morning think different idea.
Steven Clift