(sorry, hit send too soon)
On 11/23/21 4:40 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
David Newman writes:
I am looking for a high-level "do these steps next to get a list working" document rather than an API command reference.
There's no such documentation. "Get a list working" depends on what you mean by "working".
Thanks for getting back to me.
IMO post-installation docs for list admins would be a big help in Mailman3 adoption. I'm willing to help with this.
When I say "working": I'm looking to migrate Mailman2 mailing lists to Mailman3, but am struggling with even basic setup tasks before we attempt list migtration.
For example, on admin page I've set up two lists, one public and one private (each with unique list IDs), but neither appear in the site's list index.
And I don't know where to add list members.
And clicking the site archives link throws this error:
django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'hk_list_overview' with keyword arguments '{'mlist_fqdn': 'wheee'}' not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['archives/list/(?P<mlist_fqdn>[^/@]+@[^/@]+)/$']
I am 100.00% certain these and other issues are all down to misconfigurations on my part, but don't know where to turn for direction on correct list setup and maintenance with mailman3.
- For Django (presumably in /etc/mailman3/settings.py, but the docs don't say), what values to use with Postfix to set up the email back end?
The answer is "that depends on your mail environment". As far as I know, normally it just works with the default settings, but if your Postfix requires secure, you need to set that up: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/settings/#std:setting-EMAIL_USE_TL... and possibly the following 3 or 4 variables if authentication is needed.
There was a thread on this a couple of weeks ago.
Thanks for the pointers. Both resolved this issue.