Hi Stephen,
I understand your fight.
In theory the following command should force Mailman Core container reopen its logs: docker-compose exec -T mailman-core mailman reopen
And I didn't find anything better than just restarting of Mailman Web container for the same purpose: docker-compose restart mailman-web
But both methods were not reliable in my setup for some reason, so I've ended with logs truncation instead:
cat <<EOF > /etc/logrotate.d/mailman /basedir/core/var/logs/*.log { size 10M copytruncate } /basedir/web/logs/*.log { size 10M copytruncate } EOF
Best regards, Danil Smirnov Mailman3.com
On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 3:09 PM <skenny@scss.tcd.ie> wrote:
I'm running Mailman 3 via maxking's Docker implementation, and had an incident recently where something went badly wrong, and the file uwsgi-error.log filled up. As a consequence, so did the file system where that file resides,and things ground to a halt. The file is visible on the Docker host as /opt/mailman/web/logs/uwsgi-error.log.
I am unsure about how to rotate this file correctly. I could use logrotate on the host, but I can't locate any documentation that describes how to signal the relevant processes inside the mailman-web container. (Maybe this should be done within the container?)
I'd be grateful for any good advice on this.
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