Dear Mailman 3 wizards,
Several years ago I tried upgrading to Mailman 3 (I did install Mailman 2), but quickly ran into a thicket too complex for me to get out of. Two others - way more experienced than me at system-level manipulations - tried as well but did not succeed. Brian Carpenter of EMWD installed the system seemingly effortlessly, and seemingly overnight. We had a good relationship, and I was a beta site for his new product, SAAS. Brian also did the system MM3 upgrades as they appeared and would check that all was well a couple of times a year. Unfortunately, and I respect that, the current management at EMWD "don't provide working hands service for foreign Mailman 3 installations." I do not dare touch it, based on my earlier attempts with the installation. With Brian's passing I'm thus faced with a system that has no capable system support (I manage the lists, not the core). I have 50+ lists with 10000+ subscription total, and a lot of people depend on this tool. (It's a non-profit organization).
So, I'm interesting in hiring someone for part-time, occasional work (a few times a year). Update MM3 as new versions are made available. Diagnose and fix the system if anything goes awry.
I will pay you, as I did Brian, out of my own pocket, for your time.
Allan Hansen