I am moving the website www.t10.org from a private/corporate VM to AWS EC2s.
For many years, t10.org has had very happy results with using Mailman 2 for its email reflector, and I have no real concerns about moving to Mailman 3. My bugbear is the fact that I need the following mixed bag of incoming email addresses to work in concert with each other to receive and handle emails.
t10@t10.org (Primary Mailman Reflector) chair@t10.org (Mailman Reflector to direct messages to the T10 chair and his designates)
- docs@t10.org (document posting mechanics - serviced by a small mountain of home-grown code code)
- bbs@t10.org (other publicly accessible services - serviced by code that recalls the days when everything as done on a Bulletin Board System, BBS)
My best guess is that the AWS Simple Email Service (SES) needs to sit in front of both Mailman and the home-grown code, to properly direct the incoming emails to the right places. The big worry is as follows...
All available evidence read to date suggests that the default AWS installation of Mailman 3 assumes that Mailman 3 is the *only* receiver of emails in the configuration. If true, then putting SES in front of Mailman could be a Herculean challenge.
Or... Hercules may have already cleaned the Augean Stables, and left behind a AWS Lambda function that can serve as a keystone puzzle piece for solving my dilemma.
Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
All the best, .Ralph
FWIW Information about the current t10.org Mailman reflector can be found at https://www.t10.org/t10r.htm. T10 is primarily an open-to-the-public activity, so there are no company confidential secrets there.
For those interested in the archives associated with the t10.org Mailman reflector, they are available at https://www.t10.org/pipermail/t10/ and "inquiring minds" may puzzle over the fact that the archives date back to December 1993. When Mailman 2 was installed, we converted all the Majordomo archives to Mailman 2 format.