I have a mailman3 mailing list which I admin, and I would like setup the following rule.
Me and 3 of my team mates (who are part of the mailman3 list) should be able to send on the list as well as an "no-reply" user, others on the mailman3 list should only be able to receive the e-mails (and of course be able to unsubscribe themself).
Both the: "Default action to take when a non-member posts to thelist" and the "Default action to take when a member posts to the list" is set to "Default processing", and I tried to setup actions in the "Header Filters" - but no really success.. :-(
So what I basically try do achieve is to have only the following addresses to be allowed to send announcements (e-mails) on the mailman3 list, and all others that are member of the mailman3 list will just receive the e-mails. The usual "announcements" are sent out as the "no-reply" address (that actually are not really part of the mailman3 list) ;-)
no-reply@abc.com ("fake address" that actually are not really part of the mailing-list) peter@abc.com david@abc.com marcus@abc.com
How to achieve this kind of filter with mailman3?