March 8, 2020
7:38 a.m.
Brian Carpenter writes:
I was unable to get to the lists or mailman3.org documentation at all this morning.
Obviously I received your email via mailman-users.
On the web:
www.mailman3.org redirects to gnu-mailman.readthedocs.io, and identifies as docs.mailman3.org. Visiting docs directly also works for me.
mail.mailman3.org redirects to mailman.iad1.psf.io, and identifies as lists.mailman3.org.
Firefox complains about certificate mismatches for www, docs, and mail.
I can't connect to lists.mailman3.org at all by that name; Firefox says it can't find that site.
The host DNS utility returns sane-looking information for all of the above, including lists.mailman3.org.
I don't know what's going on. Mark?