I would suggest that there is something very broken here: there seems to be a problem with communication between the email system (mailman core…?) and HyperKitty.
On November 21, I sent the message below, as a part of this very thread, to Thor and cc’d the mailman 3 list. But the message never showed up in HyperKitty [1]. I don’t know if other list members received it in their email inboxes or not.
Thor obviously received the message (it was addressed to him directly), because he referenced it in a message that is in the archives [1]. However, I never received an email copy of his message from the list.
So, what’s going on?
What baffles me is that more people are not complaining about this. Is it just that no one has noticed? Or is it some subtle misconfiguration in my system? And in Thor’s apparently. And maybe in the lists.mailman3.org system as well.
[1] https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/6...
On 2017.11.21, at 06:31 , Cameron Smith <ccsmith@mail2.cetsi.com> wrote:
I, too, have been struggling with messages not showing up [1], although the conditions are somewhat different.
What I have found works to make all of the messages appear is the following, which you might try:
sudo docker-compose exec mailman-web ./manage.py runjobs yearly
[1] https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/6...
On 2017.11.21, at 04:41 , Thor Atle Rustad <thor.rustad@gmail.com> wrote:
When I send a message from the Postorius interface, it is neither sent out or stored. I briefly see this message: "Your reply has been sent and is being processed.", and then nothing happens.
Cameron Smith Nanaimo, BC tel:1.604.803.0051