I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I've configured something I'm unable to find doing this. But when I'm attempting to stop my mailman3 process, I keep getting an extra /var/ appending into the pid path, so it never finds the PID to terminate.
Here are some examples, run at different times, some with different -C configs to launch, all worked successfully to start, this is only a problem on the stop.:
(venv3) [root@mailman3(on1) venv3]# mailman stop Shutting down Mailman's master runner PID unreadable in: /opt/mailman/venv3/var/master.pid [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/mailman/venv3/var/master.pid' Is the master even running?
(venv3) [root@mailman3(on1) var]# mailman stop Shutting down Mailman's master runner PID unreadable in: /opt/mailman/var/var/master.pid [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/mailman/var/var/master.pid'
(venv3) [root@mailman3(on1) var]# mailman stop Shutting down Mailman's master runner PID unreadable in: /opt/mailman/var/etc/var/var/master.pid [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/mailman/var/etc/var/var/master.pid'
I keep getting around this by creating symlinks to the pid file and then the stop works, but it's getting silly. It seems like mailman just assumes CWD + /var/ + master.pid must be the location. Once I realized this, I found I can do "mailman stop" so long as I'm only in /opt/mailman/ (since it'd then add /var/master.pid). But that seems a little nonsensical.
Going to try my hand at using the environment variables MAILMAN_CONFIG_FILE and MAILMAN_VAR_DIR, maybe that will sort this out. But if anyone can explain further, it'd be appreciated.
Andrew Hodder Systems Administrator Support Operations, Afilias E-mail: drew@afilias.info Phone: +1 416.673.4164 Fax: +1 416.646.1541