Kyriakos Terzopoulos writes:
Firstly, thank you for your kind support. It seems that there is some misunderstanding there from my side, since I did not use the github repo to install mailman - I did it through pip install.
Right, I understood that. The point is you can create a requirements.txt file by using "python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt", edit that file as suggested in the GitLab issue, and run "python -m pip install -r requirements.txt". I prefer this method because it documents exactly what I had in the venv at any given point in time.
I think that should only reinstall the package with the new constraint, but it may refuse to do any installation because everything is already installed. In that case you have to either use "--force-reinstall" in the pip command (which will reinstall *all* packages) or you can use "python -m pip remove importlib_resources" followed by "python -m pip install 'importlib_resources>=1.1.0,<6.0'".