Tambet Paide via Mailman-users writes:
The problem is that I will get always message that mail has been delivered and also not delivered when somebody send mail to the list and also every other user in the list, but the only one who not get those messages is the sender.
This means that the sender is either not on the list or has delivery disabled. It is unrelated to the problem of bounce messages going to the subscribers.
Would like to make it so that only the sender will get those messages not everybody else
Normally the sender does not know about the subscribers in detail, so we try to make the default configuration that a delivery failure notice (bounce message) goes to the list owner, who is the only person who can do anything about it.
As far as I know, there is no way to configure bounce messages to go to the original sender. That is normally a very bad idea, because the original sender cannot do anything about mailing list bounces, unless they happen to be the list owner anyway. On the other hand, the list owner has need to know because if anybody can fix the problem, they can.
If you have a reason why the original sender should get these messages (that is some action they should take to fix the situation), let us know, and we'll try to figure something out. But I can't think of one myself.
Example what every user will get but not the sender:
Mail DeliverySystem<MAILER-DAEMON@LOCALHOST> Sent on:Wednesday,November18, 2020 6:58:30PM To: list.<domain> oneofexamplelist<oneofexamplelist@lists.domain.XX>
Subject: Undeliverable: mail-subject 17.11.2020 Attachments: one-attachment 17.11.2020.msg(38.5 KB)
Delivery to these recipients or groups failed:
This is not an "uncaught bounce" message from Mailman. This is a normal delivery status notification from the mail daemon on your system, that happens to have been sent to the list.
Assuming both instances of "oneofexamplelist@lists.domain.XX" refer to the same address, it looks to me like you have the mailing list configured as the list owner address. That will cause you a lot of pain. Change that to the personal address of the list owner.
If that is not the case, perhaps the list is anonymized so that the author appears to be the list. In email, the author (the person and email in From:) is separate from the sender (which usually does not appear in the header that recipients see). It is the sender which should receive bounce messages. By default Mailman is configured to direct bounce messages to a special address like oneofexamplelist-bounces@lists.domain.XX. Either that configuration has been changed, or your mail daemon is sending errors to author, not to sender.
The recipient's e-mail system is currently busy and cannot receive messages. Please try sending the message again later. The following authority rejected your message
I do not understand the part about "system busy" above. Obviously the list is working because your subscribers are getting the annoying bounce message. The only thing I can think of is that some kind of mail loop is occurring, but Mailman should be rejecting it with an explanation that a mail loop is occurring and a permanent failure. (I say "should" because that's how I would design it, but I don't know that part of the code, and don't have time to find it today. Sorry.)
Is xxxx.XX the same as domain.XX?