On Mon, Jul 12, 2021, at 6:23 AM, Lars Schimmer wrote:
I do look out for a method to accept mails from list members and a number of 20-30 Email addresses (not list members) to a mailing list. All others should be denied to post to the list.
I can add those as non-members, but AFAIK I cannot define a special rule for them in "message acceptance".
You can go to Users -> Non-Members and find the non-members you want to allow posting for and then go into their preferences and set their Moderation Action to "Default processing".
Under "message acceptance" the line "non-members" is set to deny, but if I set it to "default procesessing" - will it allow ALL email addresses, or just the group of "non-member" users?
Yes, that will allow all non-members to post, which probably isn't what you want from what I gather. You want the default policy to be deny and then set moderation action on each individual non-member.
-- thanks, Abhilash Raj (maxking)