[Mailman-Users] mailman3 and exim4 problem in debian bullseye Good evening, I'm configuring mailman3 with exim4 on a debian 11. I followed the official documentation on mailman for exim. It seems to be all rights, but I have a problem: when I send a message to a new lists in exim logs I see that exim uses correctly mailman router and transport. Unfortunately in smtp.log in mailman3 log folder I have the following error: May 04 16:51:01 2021 (2337) ('', 34746) sender: servizioinformatico@uicbs.it May 04 16:51:01 2021 (2337) ('', 34746) Data: b'RCPT TO: <listtest-unsubscribe@uicbs.it>'
May 04 16:51:01 2021 (2337) ('', 34746) recip: listtest-unsubscribe@uicbs.it May 04 16:51:01 2021 (2337) ('', 34746) Data: b'DATA' May 04 16:51:02 2021 (2337) ('', 34746) Data: b'QUIT' May 04 16:51:02 2021 (2337) ('', 34746) connection lost May 04 16:51:02 2021 (2337) Connection lost during _handle_client()
This causes that messages are not sent from mailman to users. Have you an idea of the problem?
Can it be a memory problem that causes that mailman responses are too slow and exim closes the comunication before the end?
I have no other errors in other log files
Thank you in advance
-- Roberto Burceni Linux System Admin & PHP developer Esperto accessibilità siti web E-mail: roberto@robertoburceni.it Phone: +393358208080 P.iva: 04025840986mbre per il mat