On Apr 27, 2020, at 8:58 AM, Abhilash Raj <maxking@asynchronous.in> wrote:
I know how to migrate mailman 2 lists to a new mailman 3 server. However I do not know how to migrate a mailman 3 list from one mailman 3 server to another one. Are there any instructions or protocol on how to accomplish this? The Mailman 3 server I want to migrate *from* was setup using Docker. The Mailman 3 server I want to migrate these lists *to* was setup using a python virtual environment via pip.
If you can backup and migrate the database, that should do all of the Web stuff (except search index & logs) and most of the Core data. You'd need to additionally move the
directory if you want to digests/logs/pending emails.
At some point I would like to redo my MM3 instance to correct 2 bad decisions I made when I installed it: 1) using sqlite3 in production, and 2) using the Ubuntu packages, which are way behind current stable (~1 year).
I’ve seen mentioned that it’s not as simple as dumping the sqlite3 database and restoring it to, say, Postgres because some of the data types are different between them (which seems like an odd design choice).
Anyone sorted this kind of migration out yet?
- Mark
mark@pdc-racing.net | 408-348-2878