On 05/01/2018 10:35 PM, Darren Smith wrote:
In attempting to update our mailman3/postorius/hyperkitty installation, I have run into an error after upgrading the django-mailman3 project.
Our webui is being run through supervisord. The command being run is this:
/<path>/mailman3/conda/envs/mailman3_ext/bin/waitress-serve --listen=localhost:8787 webui.wsgi:application
The error I'm getting is pretty long, but most of it appears to be usage instructions. Here are what I believe to be the pertinent parts:
Error: Bad module 'webui.wsgi'
waitress-serve [OPTS] MODULE:OBJECT
<lots and lots of usage instructions>
There was an exception (ImportError) importing your module.
It had these arguments:
- No module named error
Any thoughts on why updating django-mailman3 would cause this? I'm not sure what exactly you upgraded to what version, so it's only a guess..
Did you by chance upgrade django? Using outdated middleware settings caused similar errors. Can you check that you are adhering to the settings that are used in the example_projects of Postorius and Hyperkitty?
Try to start mailman using the builtin server (./manage.py runserver) and see what that tells you. Also please mention what versions you are using and show us your settings.py (hide passwords and stuff...)