June 18, 2021
5:21 p.m.
Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 5/11/21 6:43 AM, Jeff wrote:
I found a work around for the problem with the missing settings module. I modified: /etc/systemd/system/mailmanweb.service to add the PYTHONPATH environmental variable: [Service] Environment="PYTHONPATH=/etc/mailman3/" User=mailman Group=mailman ExecStart=/usr/local/mailman3/bin/uwsgi --ini /etc/mailman3/uwsgi.ini Now it starts up fine:
That is the appropriate solution. I've updated the doc.
That's works for the systemd service, but in case uswgi ist started within the venv (as for test running as stated in the docs), PYHTONPATH need to be exported here as well to work properly:
- export PYTHONPATH=/etc/mailman3/
Best regards, Adrian