lists-mailman3@janaberger.de writes:
I have a setup with GNU Mailman 3.3.8 where a user tried to subscribe. When replying to the "confirm" message, the user received a completely garbled response, like so:
N?z?????zf???&???j?????u?[zZ0:???v???,j?z???k?e?0 4D???r?^b??r?????*'???y????{ax?L?X????0:???v???,j?z???k?d?m?-???zz?rn??l]y+???-E?( ?^N??'??M???t???Mz?????^i?????}?o?\????6sN?zf??????r??z?????????b?{h?????f?r?ne==
To diagnose, we really need to see that in context of the raw message as received by the user.
The user then forwarded the .eml file to me, which clearly shows the contents of the mail as plain text while being announced as base64 (Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64):
It also clearly doesn't show anything like the mojibake above. What is the relation between the two?
While the problems could be related to Mailman, it could also be any MTA along the way or the user's mail client.
I suspect that the .eml file has been significantly altered by intervening software. As far as I know, the Python email package does not MIME-encode plain ASCII text as you see in the email's subject.
The only other thing I can think of is it might have something to do with your internationalization settings. What is the default language of the list? (This is available in Postorius.) Have you changed the default encoding for English on your site? (I think you need to look in mailman.cfg for this.) What is the default language of the site?