Am 27.10.20 um 00:45 schrieb Mark Sapiro:
Note that the only times both the
are updated together is when one of themailman
is run. Are you possibly running both these at the same time causing some kind of race condition?
Hi Mark,
thanks for your answer. First of all I ran a 'systemctl restart mailman', which now gives expected timestamps via 'stat' on the four files.
I then checked what could cause a kind of race condition (there is only one server involved):
- I have logrotate configured for daily rotate (which includes a 'systemctl reload mailman')
- I have the cron jobs configured for mailman-web
So it could be that cron jobs for mailman-web are running at the same time when mailman-core is asked to reload after log rotation. Could this lead to a race condition?
But as you said: A 'reload' should not update the files.
Kind regards Torge