Il 23/04/20 01:08, Mark Sapiro ha scritto:
On 4/22/20 11:52 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
I'm currently working on a better fix. I'll post here on my progress.
I've got a tentative fix at <https://gitlab.com/mailman/postorius/-/merge_requests/500/>. You can see the changes there to the file src/postorius/views/list.py.
This fix is limited in that it should enable FILTER_VHOST work in an environment where there are domains with web host different from mail host, but if there are multiple domains with the same web host but differing mail hosts, going to that domain's Postorius lists view will show all domains as if FILTER_VHOST is False.
I.e. consider the following set of domains:
mail host web host example.com lists.example.com example.net example.net example.org lists.example.org example.edu lists.example.org
With the fix installed and FILTER_VHOST = True
https://lists.example.com/postorius/lists/ will show only the example.com lists
https://example.net/postorius/lists/ will show only the example.net lists
but https://lists.example.org/postorius/lists/ will show all lists, not just the example.org and example.edu lists.
I saw the change in the file.
As I'm not a programmer How can I test your fix?
My system was installed via Debian 10 stable repository.
I upgrade with testing repository postorius, django and mailmanclinet
Postorius V 1.3.2 Django V. 2.2.12 Django filters V 2.1.0 Djanog mailman V 1.3.2 mailmanclient V 3.3.0
Thnak You
-- Gelpi ing. Andrea
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