On 2024/07/30 22:39, Mark Sapiro wrote:
It appears you have a situation where the MX for the Mailman domains is not the Mailman server. You need to configure the MTA on box2.gtahardware.co.za to relay Mailman's mail to the mailman server. You can to this by configuring that MTA to use transport_maps, etc as if it were the Mailman server. In order to get Mailman's generated files on the other server, you need to create a process to do that. When Mailman makes changes by adding or deleting lists or when it is started, it updates the postfix_lmtp and postfix_domains files and calls a command (normally postmap) to update the corresponding .db files. The command can be set by setting
in the[postfix]
section in mailman.cfg.
I'm not able to find any documentation about postmap_command
, not even
in the schema.cfg. If I have to provide method to update the
postfix_lmtp and postfix_domains on another server, then it would have
to something like sftp? mailman changes the files on the mailman server
(in a location I set) and then postmap_command copies those files to the
destination on the MTA server. Is that in principle what needs to be done?
thanks again!