Helio Loureiro writes:
Problem was the wrong link was getting a generic page from Django instead of error.
You can set DEBUG = True in settings.py, which will give you a much more informative error page, including a lot of information that you can't easily get from logs and configuration files.
HOWEVER, this also gives all that information to anybody who can induce an error, which of course is not that hard to do. You may want to take the server offline by firewalling it off, do some experimenting with DEBUG = True, then set it back to DEBUG = False before bringing it back up.
Of those three, the api_key on mailman-hypperkitty.cfg and MAILMAN_ARCHIVE_KEY must match. SECRET_KEY is different. It is a Django thing and has nothing to do with the others. See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/ref/settings/#secret-key
If you changed it, that's the issue.
Have you changed that key?