I've spent the past week slowly migrating from MM2.1 to MM3.3. One of the lists migrated was set to hold all user posts for moderation, as the list isn't a discussion list but a newsletter sent out on occasion to user/members. I am seeing unexpected behaviour post-migration.
The list settings have automatically (and appropriately) been set to hold mails when I go to Settings -> Message Acceptance -> "Default action to take when a non-member posts to the list" -- it says Hold for moderation
The migrated members when viewed all have a Moderation Action of Hold for moderation
, which is also expected.
When I add new members through Mass operations -> Mass subscribe, the new members have a Moderation Action of None
I've looked through the archives of this list, and from what I can tell:
According to https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/message/...
None does not mean no moderation. None means use the list default as opposed to one of the specific actions defined
The thread at https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/U... seems to also repeat the above, that none
means the configured setting for the list.
However, I've just done a test of a newly added user (a test email account for me), seen that the Moderation Action is None
, but when I posted to the list from the address, it was not held for moderation, and went through.
Am I missing something with the expected functionality?
If it helps; Mailman Core Version GNU Mailman 3.3.8 (Tom Sawyer) Mailman Core API Version 3.1 Mailman Core Python Version 3.11.2 (main, Sep 14 2024, 03:00:30) [GCC 12.2.0] Postorius Version 1.3.8
Cheers, Mark