Kimmo L writes:
This is simple test email with content like "Test test test" to test out this specific mailing list, which somehow does not sent emails to the list of members. Wierd that other lists works fine, but this one is bugged. Maybe i should try to delete it and recreate it ?
That might work.
- This second error seems indeed not related with that first one. "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'" occurs quite many times in mailman.log file. Should i check some specific list settings?
I don't think so. That usually indicates mal-formed mail, missing a required header field. In the case you posted earlier, the mail had no Message-ID that Mailman could find. I suspect you have a configuration where your MUA doesn't add the Message-ID header (this is common, because all internet-facing MTAs do add one if there isn't one already in the message, so many MUAs let the MTA do it), and for some reason local mail doesn't go through a proper MTA and never does get one.