April 24, 2024
12:51 a.m.
On 2024-04-24 03:58, Mark Sapiro wrote:
What do you get if you do
sudo -u mailman curl https://lists.mydomain.com/mailman3/api/templates/list/mytestlist.lists.mydomain.com/list:user:notice:welcome
with the template set in Postorius?
The welcome message is returned.
root@hel:~# sudo -u mailman curl https://LISTS.MYDOMAIN.COM/mailman3/api/templates/list/MYTESTLIST.LISTS.MYDO... Test Welcome message for new subscribers.root@hel:~#
Making progress...
I edited settings file again, replacing the domain name with the IP address ()
The URI in the template table now has this.
Now, when Mass subscribing a new member, a Welcome email is sent to the new member with the correct Subject and From, but the message is blank.