And the to clarify my problems with the signup procedure and how I might deal with it. (Mostly a very small change on your part and an explanation on my website for my users)
"I understand it's not totally explicit, but it says 'To subscribe or unsubscribe from this list, please log in first. If you have not previously logged in, you may need to set up an account with the appropriate email address.’ To me the implication is once you have created an account, you have to come back, log in and subscribe. What do you want it to say?"
I had to test to find out that there is not a lot I would change. Let me just preface it by sharing my experience. As a person with learning disabilities (following instructions is the hardest), I found the procedures dating when using a few pretend signups.
This brings me back to a job I had in the 80s and 90s. When I was working on user manual for Seiko watches, the engineers wrote the manuals in Japanese-Engllish based on what the watches could do. But I put myself in the place of the user, who often did not know why they needed that function. And so I had to translate into an English explanation started from the point of view of what they might want to do with the watch.
In the case of Mailman 3 much depends on the individual list and its settings, so my conclusion is it is mostly on me. With just a suggestion that you have a SIGN UP blue button to make things less confusing and not necessitating multiple clicking.
The main obstacle I found was I had my list settings as NO to "Choose whether to include this list on the list of all lists". Changing this to "Yes" made it a little easier.
Here are my two tests and conclusion.
- TEST 1
Sign up first... https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress... ...you will find that if I have said NO on "Choose whether to include this list on the list of all lists” you will find it hard to go back to the subscribe page. Unless you backspace. Or paste the address again. Not ideal
QUESTIONS: Am I missing something? By not having my discussion listed, people cannot find it to subscribe.
Or is NOT LISTED better where I add people manually to subscribe and then tell them to sign up?
- TEST 2
One solution is I could put the list back on the host’s list of lists back and tell people to click on Discuss.
That is what I did for now. Then it is rather smooth. I could tell my users (especially ones from previous company’s mailing list who want to interact with the hyperkitty site)
to CLICK LOGIN CLICK SIGNIN then follow all these steps:
Get taken to sign in page
Click Discuss
Click Archives
Or I could leave it as it is and tell people to backspace until they find the signup page and then subscribe.
Or tell them to copy and paste https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress...
or https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/accounts/signup/ in the same browser window and then subscribe.
Tell my users as follows on a WORDPRESS PAGE as follows:
Greetings. If you have never signed up before, follow instructions A. If you are coming from the previous dadamail list, follow instructions B
INSTRUCTIONS A Steps 1-3 to get on the mailing list and be able to post from your email account. Continue to steps 4 and 5 if you want to see the archives and post from that page. (Note to Mark: I have turned the archives off by default to make it more of a no brainer to want to sign up)
INSTRUCTIONS B You are already registered, you will continue to get messages and be able to send to the list. If you want to keep using the same email address you are all set and do not need to do anything.
If you want to keep using the same address, but also be able to access the archives, follow steps 4 and 5 only.
If you want to register a new address, follow steps 1-5 below.
Go here https://list.tokyoprogressive.org/postorius/lists/discuss.list.tokyoprogress... Add your email address at the BOTTOM of the page. Name is optional.
Then wait for email to reply to come.
That’s it. You can stop here. However, you can sign up to the archives which makes this list more of a forum to see at a glance old conversations. And you can also post from it. To do so, continue to steps 4 and 5,
Right on the same page, you can sign up and sign in by clicking log in and then sign up and then follow the same procedure as above. (Mark, SEE SUGGESTION FOR A BLUE SIGN UP BUTTON).
Once you have signed up, you can log in to access the archives and web posting.
Hope the above long winded post was clear. Feel like I am sseing the lite.