David Krantz writes:
Tested that and received a stacktrace where authres (of which I know nothing) throws an exception complaining on a syntax error when parsing the AuthenticationResultsHeader. It seems as if it requires an authserv-id field but the few examples of the AuthenticationResultsHeader I've looked at just starts with the server name followed by a semicolon, with no preceeding tag for that server name value.
There is no tag for the authserv-id field; it is a value immediately after the field name and the colon, followed by a semicolon and the results for the various methods. It appears from the log messages that there is no value there. I believe that this field may not be empty according to RFC 8601. Without the message header, I can't verify that it was or wasn't, but I don't see why the log message would not contain the whole body of the AR or AAR header field.
line 504, in _parse raise SyntaxError('Expected authserv-id', self._parse_text) authres.core.SyntaxError: Syntax error: Expected authserv-id at: ; dkim=pass header.d=domain.tld; arc=none... Aug 14 13:43:26 2019 (28962) SHUNTING: 1565790206.708188+e4196a80c2afc177ddc001ce8bbd8789f8d08912