Pierre Abbat writes:
On Friday, November 17, 2017 1:51:15 PM EST Simon Hanna wrote:
You are not supposed to create the directory mailman-suite_project but clone the mailman-suite project from gitlab and use it. None of the manage.py commands listed by your search are the right ones. The correct one is the one included in the repository of mailman-suite
It appears that setting up Mailman 3 requires knowledge of Django, which I don't have. I'm going to try something else.
You're welcome to do so since you know your needs better than we do, but please allow me to advise you that running Mailman 3 in most cases doesn't require knowledge of Django as long as (1) you follow the instructions *exactly*, and of course (2) assuming those instructions are correct.
Mailman 3 being just on the edge of becoming the industry standard for mailing list managers, yes, assumption (2) is occasionally violated. In my experience, (1) is a more frequent source of user troubles. Either way, we[1] are one heck of a lot faster at responding than most commercial and open source products when users have trouble. And we do have reason to lay claim to "industry standard".
Footnotes: [1] By "we" I really mean Mark Sapiro, Abhilash Raj, and off and on Simon Hanna. It's rare that it takes as much as 24 hours to get attention from one of them, and if Mark can handle it, usually you get an immediate solution. I haven't been able to keep up for months, but I hope to get back into the rotation soonish (in the new year).
-- Associate Professor Division of Policy and Planning Science http://turnbull/sk.tsukuba.ac.jp/ Faculty of Systems and Information Email: turnbull@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp University of Tsukuba Tel: 029-853-5175 Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN