Mark - What is the difference between to two install methods? What are my pros and cons?
I have been using this:
|# Note: if we are using a dedicated postgresql database server, all postgresql changes need to be done on the actual postgresql server.| |>>>| |sudo yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib| |sudo postgresql-setup initdb| |sudo systemctl start postgresql| |sudo systemctl enable postgresql| |sudo -u postgres psql -c ||"SELECT version();"| |sudo useradd -c ||"Mailman User"| |-s /bin/bash -m mailman| |sudo -u postgres create role mailman;| |sudo -u postgres createdb -O $USER mailman| |sudo -u postgres psql -c ||"grant all privileges on database mailman to mailman;"| |sudo -u postgres psql -c ||"ALTER ROLE mailman WITH PASSWORD 'secret123';"| |sudo -u postgres psql -c ||"ALTER ROLE "||mailman||" WITH LOGIN;"| |sudo echo ||"listen_addresses = '*' "| |>> /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/postgresql.conf| |sudo echo ||"# The user mailman will be able to access all databases from a trusted location (any) without a password"| |>> /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf| |sudo echo ||"host all mailman trust"| |>> /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf| |sudo systemctl restart postgresql| |sudo ss -nlt | grep 5432| |<<<| |sudo yum install python36* --skip-broken -y| |# check make sure you have both versions| |sudo python --version| |Python 2.7.5| |sudo python3 --version| |Python 3.6.8| |sudo pip3 install psycopg2-binary| |sudo chown mailman.mailman /opt/mailman| |sudo chmod 755 /opt/mailman| |# NOTE: The first initial mailman3 core setup has to be done manually.| |# This is a important step to ensure the user "mailman" will run the actual mailman3 application and not root.| |# switch to user mailman| |mailman# cd /opt/mailman| |mailman# git clone https:||//gitlab.com/mailman/mailman.git| |mailman# cat <<EOT >> /opt/mailman/mailman/src/mailman/config/mailman.cfg| |[devmode]| |enabled: yes| |recipient: root@localhost| |[webservice]| |hostname: localhost| |port: 8001| |show_tracebacks: yes| |use_https: yes| |[mta]| |incoming: mailman.mta.postfix.LMTP| |outgoing: mailman.mta.deliver.deliver| |lmtp_host: localhost| |lmtp_port: 8024| |smtp_host: localhost| |smtp_port: 25| |[database]| |class||: mailman.database.postgresql.PostgreSQLDatabase| |url: postgres:||//mailman:secret123@<IP-ADDRESS or FQDN>/mailman| |EOT| |mailman# python3.6 -m venv venv-3.6| |>>| |mailman# source venv-3.6/bin/activate| |(venv-3.6) [mailman@empire mailman]$ cd mailman| |(venv-3.6) [mailman@empire mailman]$ python setup.py develop| |(venv-3.6) [mailman@empire mailman]$ mailman info| |<<| | | | | |So I was told I don't have to do this, I can just simple do (rhel7) | |yum install pyhton3| |pip install mailman| | | | |