Thank you. I discovered tha I removed all templates but in the db table the template was not removed. It was pointing to localhost and this was the problem.
Thanks to all for help!
Roberto Burceni Servizio informatico sezionale Tel. 0302209417 (lunedì e giovedì mattina dalle 9:00 alle 13:00, martedì emercoledì pomeriggio dalle 14:00 alle 18:00 E-mail: servizioinformatico@uicibrescia.it Sito web: https://www.uicibrescia.it
Il 16/03/23 04:20, Mark Sapiro ha scritto:
On 3/15/23 09:55, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 7:10 PM Servizio Informatico U.I.C.I. Sezione territoriale di Brescia <servizioinformatico@uicibrescia.it> wrote:
I created a template but after some tests I deleted it.
Now I created only a standard list without modifying any templates.
So they are the standard templates coming with the distribution. I did not change also the language
Maybe you can start by deleting any templates in postorius_emailtemplate table in the DB?
There shouldn't be any, but if the issue is with accessing postorius templates, that might make it worse.
If you want only the system default templates, you could do this database query to remove any non-defaults:
DELETE FROM templates;
That will ensure that you aren't accessing Postorius for any templates.