I now run Mailman 3.3.1, installed from pip. Is there now any way to prevent Mailman from forwarding the contents of the held message when notifying moderators of held messages? In my case these messages often are spam messages and if the entire contents are forwarded it triggers spam handling in the recipient address(es) which over time risks classifying all moderation emails as spam or even classifying the list domain or server as a spam source.
Even my own outgoing filter classifies it as spam, which I will fix. I currently run rspamd for spam filtering, graylisting and DKIM and ARC verification/signing. Someone on this recommended it, thank you for that as it removes the need for other milters.
I guess that this would be a simple change to make as a kludge but a proper implementation as a setting would be a lot better. I'd like it as a global setting but that might be too coarse.
Cheers // David