Thanks Mark,
On 20/06/2020 03:53, Mark Sapiro wrote:
On 6/19/20 4:34 PM, Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote:
I'm trying to set up mailman3 on two hosts, one of which runs core + exim, the other runs postorius (&possibly hyperkitty).
I have I think got core set up correctly, and postorius is sort of usable, but anything in the web ui that talks to core ends up with a white screen.
I think what is happening is a postorius URL ends up with the core (or perhaps no) hostname, and as there's nothing there to answer it fails.
What are your Django settings for MAILMAN_REST_API_URL, MAILMAN_REST_API_USER and MAILMAN_REST_API_PASS and do these agree with the [webservice] settings for hostname, port, use_https, admin_user and admin_pass in mailman.cfg in core and is the port open to the outside on the core machine?
greyarea-post is the mailman-core and exim server.
greyarea-web1 is the postorius and hyperkitty server.
On greyarea-web1, in django-settings.py,
MAILMAN_REST_API_URL = '[1]http://greyarea-post:8870'
and both the above-named hosts are also included in ALLOWED_HOSTS along with localhost.
On greyarea-post, in mailman.cfg:
admin_pass: XXXXX
admin_user: restadmin
api_version: 3.1
port: 8870
use_https: no
The password and username are as on web1.
Do you see REST requests from the Postorius machine in core's
mailman.log and access.log?
Yes, there are lots of requests of the form:
[07/Jun/2020:15:00:01 +0000] "GET /3.1/lists?count=10&page=1
HTTP/1.1" 200 470 "-" "GNU Mailman REST client v3.3.1"
I made a new list using the core CLI, and as a result of navigating directly to the list archive page I get to see:
[06/Jun/2020:23:00:02 +0000] "GET /3.1/lists/chbcdaily@ch-bc.org.uk
HTTP/1.1" 200 365 "-" "GNU Mailman REST client v3.3.1"
... but in neither case do I get a complete screen on the browser or 'follow-up' requests.
I don't have a file access.log on the greyarea-post.
On the greyarea-web1 I have mailmansuite.log with the last few lines:
se.py", line 74, in rest_data
response, content = self._connection.call(self._url)
nnection.py", line 124, in call
'Could not connect to Mailman API: ', repr(e))
mailmanclient.restbase.connection.MailmanConnectionError: ('Could
not connect to Mailman API: ',
port=8870): Max retries exceeded with url: /3.1/domains/ch-bc.org.uk
(Caused by NewConnectionError(\'<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection
object at 0x7f5416db8518>: Failed to establish a new connection:
[Errno 111] Connection refused\',))",),)')
ERROR 2020-06-03 01:02:06,115 29002 django.request Service
Unavailable: /postorius/lists/
the uwsgi-error_*.log contains many lines of the form:
api: url is
api: url is
My reason for thinking, in my original post, that the wrong host address is being used is that the ConnectionError above contains in its url for /3.1/domains/... but is only present as the listen address on the core web service and does not appear in the config for postorius.
I hope this helps,
Software Manager & Engineer Tel: 01223 414180 Blog: [4]http://www.ivimey.org/blog LinkedIn: [5]http://uk.linkedin.com/in/ruthivimeycook/