Hello, i'm really new to mailman3 and I've been using mm2.1 couple of years. It's really hardto understand documentation. But I'll do one in german language next time. I've got it installed ob Debian12 and it's working now.
It takes a little more time to understand all settings and also the difference between postorius and django and what is when used for.
But what I do not understand 'til now is how to add a new domain.
My running config has one domain (e.g.) testdomain1.org and everything is working fine. The Domain has a virtualhost which listens on *:443 (with LE cert) Postfix works like a charm.
The interface of the machine is bound to one IP Address public but for example here written as:
Id like to add a new Domain.
My first step would be to add another IP Address to the interface: (e.g.) Then I'll change the virtual host settings in apache conf from first domain which is actually listeing to *:443 to And add a second site with So the "physical" part is done
Is that right 'til now?
After that I'll go to the admin page xxxx/mailman3/admin which brings django admin page up. On that page I'll add "websites" and add testdomain2.net
Last step is adding "mail domain" site: testdomain2.net mail domain: testdomain2.net
After that I can add lists to that domain and mails to any list @testdomain2,net should be routed right?
Maybe I'm to old (56yrs) but I've read a lot of documentation and everything was clear and understandable. It was never a question of linux or windows OS but on who'S writing the doc. I can't find any doc about the web part? What about Users having no acces to the shell but the Web-Frontend? Some pictures and a "How to" and "what if" would be great!
But it's alos possible that I'm not finding it and it's somewhere out there.
Thanks in advance.