Super! That did the job for Postorius 1.3.4. Thank you very much Jered, and also Mark S. for the comments in the archived post.
Best, Mark
On 2024-01-06 05:50, Jered Floyd wrote:
What version are you running? It looks like this was added in Postorius 1.3.5.
To confirm a request for unsubscription before that version requires using the shell or REST API, as described in https://lists.mailman3.org/archives/list/mailman-users@mailman3.org/thread/Z...
Copying for convenience:
# mailman shell -l listname@domain.com Welcome to the GNU Mailman shell Use commit() to commit changes. Use abort() to discard changes since the last commit. Exit with ctrl+D does an implicit commit() but exit() does not. The variable 'm' is the list@example.com mailing list >>> pendingsdb = getUtility(IPendings) >>> for token, data in pendingsdb.find(m, pend_type='unsubscription'): ... if data['token_owner'] == 'moderator': ... pendingsdb.confirm(token) ... [data about the request will be displayed here] >>> commit()
----- On Jan 5, 2024, at 12:47 PM, Mark imark@posteo.net wrote:
No joy. There is no menu entry for that page ( ".../unsubscription_requests") and when entering the URL manually I get:
Page not found This page either doesn't exist, or it moved somewhere else.
The menu item and page for ".../subscription_requests" display okay:
Subscriptions pending approval (0) There are currently no subscription requests for this list.
On 2024-01-06 04:35, Jered Floyd wrote:
I see these under "Subscription requests > Unsubscription requests", or at the URI (matching your sample)
Does this menu entry appear for you?
----- On Jan 5, 2024, at 12:30 PM, Mark imark@posteo.net wrote:
As a moderator I receive an email each day for "Held Unsubscriptions" for a subscriber that was unsubscribed by the Owner sometime ago (using "Mass operations").
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The listname@domain.com list has 1 moderation requests waiting.
Held Unsubscriptions: User: bart@example.com
Please attend to this at your earliest convenience. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
There is nothing showing under "Subscription requests > Pending approval".
Could anyone tell me how I can stop these email notifications? I have access to the mailman shell and the databases.
Thanks, Mark
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