On 1/1/21 2:13, ieso@johnwillson.com wrote:
I feel stuck and thought I'd ask the simple question... for a completely basic, barebones new installation, what's the easiest way to get a mailman3 installation up-and running? (e.g. Which server provider? Which operating system and version? Docker or otherwise?)
I did it after weeks of strugling as you. In my case it was perentory as I have FreeBSD servers that serve mailman2 lists and yesterday was the final line, as python 2.7 EOL declared.
I did a mailman 3 installation out of the guides: no docker, no linux dist, no virtualenv envioroment. Most of it was using pip and I believe that it could be easily recreated in a linux dist.
You can read the two posts with the step by step notes (AND the config files) on how I made it in https://forums.FreeBSD.org/threads/mailman-3.61050/post-488128
Now I have all my lists migrated succesfully and working as expected. The users didn't realized of that major changes.
Good luck and happy new year to all.