Is it possible, to only show publicly (if advertised) these lists on a certain url, that are corresponding to the web host the url I accessed mailman through? I tried to configure different Web hosts with different Mail domains ... but through all the domains all mailing lists are advertised and I don't get why I then should configure different web hosts :-)
Another solution for me would be, that I have only 1 Web host, don't advertise any Mailing-lists (or only certain ones) and configure different administrators for certain mail domains. But also that I don't see how it should be done :-(
Sorry for the maybe nooby/newby question, but I just started trying Mailman3 and hoped for a better support for multidomain (which I till right now like in contrast to mailman2, whih has been a hazzle to register new Domains on the same server, but worked :-)).
Thanks inadvance.