July 12, 2017
11:47 a.m.
This list filters content aggressively. The original post "body" was text/html and the "inline" image was still a separate image/jpeg part (referenced in an IMG tag in the HTML. Content filtering removed the image/jpeg part and converted the HTML to plain text using lynx.
I guess the test really didn't end up proving anything.
Does anyone know if Hyperkitty can be configured to allow for inline images to be maintained so that an HTML file looks like a normal HTML message?
Also, can attachments to a message under Hyperkitty preserve their name rather than being "scrubbed" into "attachment-*.*" files?
-- Jason Glazer, P.E., BEMP, GARD Analytics, 90.1 ECB chair, 209 chair Admin for onebuilding.org building performance mailing lists