Jan. 3, 2021
11:53 p.m.
An attempt to use markdown to rescue the yaml code.
If this formatting fails, just cut and paste from: https://galaxy.ansible.com/ucr/mailman3
- hosts: localhost
mailman3_domain: yourdomain.com
# It will install and create a certificate using certbot, its nignx plugin and http validation
mailman3_install_certbot: false # install and create certificate
# secrets, please change them
mailman3_secret_key: "change_secretkey"
mailman3_rest_api_pass: "change_api_pass"
mailman3_archiver_key: "change_archiver_key"
mailman3_db_pass: "change_db_pass"
mailman3_web_db_pass: "change_web_db_pass"
mailman3_web_admin_pass: "change_web_admin_pass"
- ucr.mailman3