Emails from our list are currently being blocked by Google & Yahoo because of the "Dmarc policy of the sender domain" (according to Google Postmaster).
Our list doesn't do any munging for "Reply goes to list" and our DMARC Mitigations is set for "No DMARC mitigations" and we're not DMARC Mitigating unconditionally.
Given this is our MM3 policy, it's not clear what the DMARC DNS policy should be for consistency (note: we currently don't have a DMARC DNS setting).
MM3 documentation doesn't have enough info, and reading up on DMARC Records it's not clear if we should be:
-or something else-
Our DNS' SPF record is: v=spf1 +a +mx ~all [Note: is a redacted address]
I'd rather not experiment on DMARC record settings for fear of making a bad situation worse.
Thanks in advance for any assistance.