I do have the exact same situation. I would love to have domain owners be able to create/manage their own lists for their respected Domain.
One problem I see with giving them site ownership: when creating a new list, not only that they could pick the wrong domain by accident, they also see all the other domains present in the installation. That would be a nogo, tehrefore we have to create the lists for all associations on our side.
Kind regards, Jens.
Am 23.09.23 um 20:42 schrieb Stephen J. Turnbull:
And how much does it cost you? It doesn't sound like you're ready to use the feature at this point, but that often happens when users don't know that there's a feature they could ask for. Is there real risk that domain owners would abuse or mistakenly use site admin privileges on the whole site or on someone else's domains? Are you currently hoping to devolve domain administration to other individuals (now that you know it's probably possible with improvements to Mailman)? Do you have candidates for those domain owners in mind?